All this time I’ve been thinking that this journey was about getting in the best shape of my life but this process has revealed so much more!

V A L U E  &  S E L F – W O R T H

Back on top of that mountain in Jasper, I knew if a change was going to be possible a lot of things were going to have to change, including my mindset.  I struggled with a lot of self-limiting beliefs, the biggest one being am I good enough?

  • Am I good enough to be a mother?
  • Am I good enough to be a wife?
  • Am I good enough to make a difference?
  • Am I good enough to get that job?
  • Am I good enough to play on that team?
  • Am I good enough to get a mortgage?
  • Am I good enough to go to the gym?
  • Am I good enough to eat right?
  • Am I good enough to be her friend?
  • Am I good enough to open that business?
  • Am I good enough to attend that party?
  • Am I good enough to change?
  • Am I good enough to be loved?
  • Am I good enough to love?

I am typically a positive person, always looking for the best in people and situations.  That load of am I good enough was a heavy one to carry.

How does am I good enough serve me?  It hasn’t served me well.  It’s one of the main reasons I am an emotional eater.  I “protect” myself with the food which packs on the pounds.  I’ve made myself small by putting others on pedestals.  I’ve made dumb decisions based on fear.  I have sabotaged relationships and drank too much – all in the name of wondering am I good enough?

It was time to get down to business! I was resourcing all the online material I could find about self worth & value to make this necessary change happen.

I have tackled some of my past demons and in the process I’ve grown!  I’ve learned my value, surrounded myself with those who see my worth and learned to wholeheartedly love myself.  I know, too some, this will sound selfish but I can assure you that because of these lessons I can say that I AM ENOUGH!  I can love others more fully!  I’m a better wife, mother, human!  My mind has shifted from Am I Enough to I AM Enough!

Finding my worth hasn’t been an easy road.  I’ve had to learn to appreciate the difficult times and celebrate the fact that I made it to the other side!  I’ve cried.  I’ve hurt.  I’ve suffered.  I’ve retreated.  I’ve eaten cheeseburgers!  I’ve been sad and down.  As each day passed I could see the light at the end of the tunnel shining a little brighter.  That light was my self-worth glow!

I began to see growth and forgiveness, courage and strength, letting go and embracing. I no longer make myself small and face the world as an equal.  It was only once I started letting go of ‘am I good enough’ and started embracing I AM enough did my transformation start to take place and magical things began to happen.

People and opportunities started popping up to help make this transformation possible.  My body began to let go of the weight. I felt like I belonged in the gym (Thanks Karl!) and my muscles started to grow.  This was the beginning of self-worth!

I’m can’t say that I feel 100% self-worth or value all of the time.  I’m still a work in progress!  I can say that my decisions get authentic answers that don’t come from a place of fear. I feel empowered to be able to listen to my intuition and trust my gut.

What I can say, with 100% certainty, is that these positive changes toward living my Great Life can only be sustainable in the presence of self-worth and the knowledge that I am enough.

We are all ENOUGH – just the way we are, no matter where we are on our journey.  xo




7 thoughts on “I am ENOUGH

  1. Aly Pain

    Yes!!! Thank you for writing this and sharing your journey of slaying the dragon so many people live in fear of their entire lives. Thank you for being honest about your process and the results that have come from your courage to own that YOU ARE ENOUGH. Beautiful, just like you.

    1. Melsha Shea

      Thank you so much for your very large part on this journey we call life! I am grateful that our paths have crossed. 🙂

  2. Gemma Stone

    Melsha, your courage is astonishing. You are a beacon of light for so many, thank you for showing up in all the ways you do. And, when the light isn’t shining as bright, that’s okay too. You are enough, no matter what.

  3. Pingback: Vulnerable Me – 2 Months Later | Melsha Shea

  4. Briana

    I feel like your talking about me. Your journey is so helpful to me (and SO many other people like me) who struggling with being enough and feeling worthy. Keep it up!

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